Therapy, EMDR, coaching?

A number of concepts are explained in more detail below. Please call or email if you have any questions.



An integrative method of guidance, as I use it in practice, combines different therapies and guidance methods to meet your unique need for help. I use elements from different therapeutic movements. The goal is to understand the whole, such as your emotions, thoughts, body and spirituality. By combining different methods, as a therapist I can respond flexibly to your needs and tailor a treatment that best suits your situation. By combining different techniques, an integrative approach offers more options for intervention and promotes deeper healing and understanding.

If you struggle with psychological or social challenges, I guide you in exploring and understanding your emotions, clarifying your thoughts, and improving your (interpersonal) skills. The guidance focuses on improving communication skills, strengthening self-image and dealing effectively with emotions. Various techniques are applied to achieve your goal.


Research has shown that EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) can be effective in treating specific fears. Fear often arises as a result of a traumatic event. Consider, for example, fear of driving after a serious accident. EMDR helps process traumatic memories and reduce the emotional charge associated with them. It involves the use of eye movements, or other bilateral stimulation, while the person focuses on the traumatic memory.


Compared to therapy, the focus will be on the present and the future. Coaching can be appropriate if there is enough capacity, 'I-strength'. Capacity refers to the extent to which you are able to deal with stress, challenges and difficulties without becoming emotionally overwhelmed. The idea behind 'self-strength' is that you can learn to recognize and use your own strengths and skills to cope with challenging situations.


Modern hypnotherapy is an effective, short-term form of therapy with long-lasting positive results. It is also known as complementary or supplementary medicine. It can be a valuable addition to conventional medicine. Modern hypnotherapy uses psychoanalytic and behavioral methods, as well as talk therapy. Medical hypnosis is a part of modern hypnotherapy and includes any trance intervention that helps reduce pain or stress. Modern hypnotherapy's guideline is that in case of pain complaints the client always contacts his doctor first.


Hypnotherapy is a form of therapy that uses trance. Trance is a form of deep relaxation, a kind of 'flow'. You can compare the feeling of being in a trance with being absorbed in a book or a piece of music, or with daydreaming. External stimuli are less important at that moment, you 'sink' more into yourself. With the help of hypnotherapy you can get more in touch with your unconscious, so that you can achieve positive changes. Metaphorically speaking, consciousness is the tip of the iceberg and the entire mountain of knowledge that lies beneath the surface of the water, the unconscious. The unconscious can be seen as a collection of everything you have gained from experiences. Body and mind are not separated, there is a constant interaction with each other. Our unconscious strongly influences our behavior, our thinking and our feelings.